Find the menu bar at the top of the window and go to File > Save As to save your settings. Once you find settings that work for you and your project, you can save those settings to use them later instead of manually setting them every time you rename files.This option helps you preserve the original file names in case you’re not happy with the new file names later on. You can use the New Location function to copy files to a new location and rename them without affecting the originals.Revert will only undo the most recent batch of renaming, so make sure you’re happy with each batch of renamed files before moving on! If you accidentally clicked Rename, or you’re not happy with the new file names, you can click Revert to the left of the Rename button to undo the changes.Then simply click Rename and watch the magic happen! This process might take a few moments on slower computers, so make sure to wait for the entire folder to finish processing before you navigate to another folder. Once you’re happy with the preview name, you can select the range of files you want to rename.If you’re not happy with the preview name and it doesn’t seem to do what you expected, you can manually adjust the settings and watch the preview file name change in real time. Select one of the files on the right-hand folder menu and a preview file name appears under the New Name column.The way you’re viewing this list of files will affect the order in which they’re renamed, so pay close attention to how the original files are sorted. You can sort the files in the right-hand menu by name, file type, or the date that the digital photos were modified/taken/etc.Use the two large folder menus on the top half of the Bulk Rename Utility interface and navigate to the files you want to rename.New Location (13): Make a copy of the original files, add new file names and place them in a new folder while preserving the original files.Selections (12): Specify which files and folders are displayed in Bulk Rename Utility.Extension (11): Change the file extension (ex.Numbering (10): Add numbers to file names.Append Folder Name (9): Add a folder’s name to the name of a file within that folder – you can even add the names of main folders and subfolders into the same file name.

Move/Copy (6): Move or copy specific words or characters to different parts of the file name.Remove (5): Specifies characters and/or words to remove.

Case (4): Sets different uppercase or lowercase options for text.(3): Finds specific text and replaces it with new text. File (2): Sets rules for the existing file name (Keep, Remove or Reverse it – or specify a new Fixed name).If you don’t know the language, leave this section alone. RegEx (1): A find-and-replace tool that uses a complex computer language called Regular Expressions.Right Navigation Pane (B): A detailed list-style view of the files and folders inside of whatever’s selected in the Left Navigation Pane.Left Navigation Pane (A): A hierarchical tree-style view of computer drives and folders.